Saturday, 10 November 2007


As the header above says, the S4 Biology prelims are fast approaching.....
Don't leave all your revision until the last minute, start putting in the effort now. you should all be trying to stick to a revision timetable and doing a little everyday. these prelims are important as we have to estimate your grades for the summer using the prelim papers you complete. Should we need to appeal your summer results ( in the case of illness, for example) the prelim result forms the basis of this appeal. So get it right first time.

The biology study night is on November 19th at the Burnside hotel. Last years students found this a great revision aid, particularly with problem-solving activities. We hope to see as many of you as possible there on the night.

The biology homework club runs on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at lunchtime. Ask your Biology teacher for details of times and rooms, or come along to the science base and ask. Check that you can dial in to the school system and access all the biology resources that are stored in the Biology folders. There are revision powerpoints and summary notes for each topic, as well as podcasts, all of which can be downloaded and used for revision. we also have a limited supply of MP3 players loaded with the podcasts which you can sign out.

Time is fleeting and the clock is running. Don't run out of time to ask for help. Thats what we're here for....