Thursday, 17 January 2008

S4 Biology - Genetics stuff

You are about to start work on the genetics topic. Have a look at the following web-link. Read the information, and leave your comments below.


Chrissy said...

I think in many ways Richard Steven is right. Psychologically many children are already being, for lack of a better word, manipulated. From a young age children are separated and some benefited more than others. This of course is common knowledge but perhaps Gene Manipulation in the sense of parents creating their perfect child will only be an extension on this, like what he talks about in the interview. I think there will be some shift though in society if parents can choose such things as their child looks but I am, as of yet unsure about what effect this will have.
In conclusion, judging by what Richard Stevens says that we may not need to examine these issues closely for sometime, I think that perhaps a stronger point of view for or against will become clearer to me in the not so distant future.

p.s. sorry for completely avoiding the discursive point. If there was one in particular?

Cathkin high school said...

Its the wider issues of genetic manipulation that are the discursive point here...and the transactional model created if parents drive the genetic manipulation, for what ever reason, of their children. For a start, the psychological effects on children knowing this has occurred will impact on their relationship with their parents, which will in turn affect the quality of the reactions of the parents to their children, and so on. The psychological effects will work both ways.
The points he makes about engineering by manipulating the environment rather than the genes specifically is also a good one, as the personality of a child will be affected by this experience and thus their chances of forming relationships and thus procreating. Is this a form of selective breeding by default?

Sn said...

Richard Steven has made some very interesting points. especially the point made about the benificial envroments in beter schools as this will most certainly have a result on how they turn out in adulthood. i also found the idea of people being seperated into two different categories the "gene rich" and the "normals" a facinating concept, so this would make the people that had been genetically engineered or "gene rich" superior to "normals" the way that enviromentally benifited people may view themselves superior to less fortunate kids

if this is a load of rubbish i shall try again ? and how do i remain annonymos

JordanMcLuskey said...

I don't really agree with the whole idea of genetic manipulation, or at least not at present.
I think knowing that your parents had interfered with your genes would be hard to come to terms with and I believe it would make you feel less "normal" than other people.
I suppose, in ways it does have its advantages, for example you may be able to determine how intelligent or good looking your child will be, but at the same time it's not a natural process.
I think having a child should be a natural thing, and I believe interfering with our genetics and manipulating certain charectaristics isn't right, and at this present time seems rather irelivent. Not to mention the risks of complications!
I also believe that such a thing would cause a huge divide between people in society, people who are "gene rich" may not be accepted by normal people or vice versa.

meee :-] said...

I understand what Richard Steven is saying, especially about children’s upbringing. Where some are put into a “rich” category and some are put in just “normal”. Personally I think this has nothing to do with how people turn out, because everyone is different!
Although if you have been to a better school with better education, then I think that makes quite a big impact towards you in later life, as that person will be most likely to be picked for a job, for example, rather than someone who has been brought up in a rougher area and had a more troubled childhood.
One thing I didn’t agree with was genetic manipulation and how parents are trying to create this “perfect child”. At the end of the day, children won’t always depend on their parents as they grow older, they will turn into their own person. I think this is so selfish for parents to try and create their prefect child as they will never find out what secret talents their children have, or if they have a completely different opinion from them in discussions, and won’t see nature’s own creation . People should all look and act differently from my point of view because it’s the only thing that other people can’t steal, and that’s their own identity.

:-] hope that made sense. ha

armanda-rose said...

in some ways richard steven is saying the truth.he has made some very important points especially the issue of seperating children at thier younger age which ithink ie abit wierd because this might affect the child when he is going to know all this and may even create problems with their parents.the psycological effect will work in both ways which will affect the childs personality and i dont think that child will have a good way of reproducing.

nc said...

I think in some ways Richard is right about what he says. Because I agree that children with more money and childeren that go to better schools do end up with more money because if they didnt have any money they wouldnt know how to cope. I agree that gene manipulation in the sense of parents livving there life through there childs life does happen alot and many parents do make there child do what they wished they had done. I also agree that in a number of years Gene Manipulation will become a common occurence.

Im sorry if that didnt make sense but I dont know what Im ment to be talking about

jw said...

I think that Richard Steven has made some very strong points about genetic manipulation some are very extreme such as "deciding what your child looks like" i honestly wonder what the world is coming too. Also to be fair giving your child the best education possible is great but dividing people into two different cateries rather discusting. You should not be judged by what you look like or how smart you are i think everybody should be treated equally it is bad enough in the years now i just cant image what it is going to be like in years to come honestly i find it quite frighning.

But I love the cookie said...

i agree with stuart he did make some interesting points. how you are treated as a child affects how you are going to turn out in the future

p.s stuart did you write the comment above me because you sound highly intelligent:) well at the end you dont but!!! oh well

AA ^_^ said...

I accede with what Richard Stevens is pointing out. The environment one is brought in I believe have a significant impact on how they turn out in their adulthood. If genes are interfered this will have a side effect to their behaviour and characters in the near future.

In addition to this, manipulating genes can be risky; therefore things could go wrong at any point of time. If things do go wrong, parents will find their children blaming them for their physical appearance or their deformities.

Also, the categorising of genes into" gene rich" and "normals" will bring about more diversity and separation to the human race. Significantly, if parents are allowed to choose what genes they want their children to have, they will choose characters they either have or the ones they wished they had.

CHS said...

Richard Steven has made some very interesting points. Particularly the one about the different environments that children are brought up in. Of course parents with a decent amount of money are going to send their children to a really good school with lots of benefits and opportunities. Those with less money obviously can't afford to and have to send their children to a school with less opportunities. Your upbringing is undoubtedly going to have a huge effect on the way you enter adulthood, but having money doesn't necessarily mean you're going to have the best one. People with money can be brought up to be spoilt and selfish whereas, people with little, or no money may be brought up to appreciate what they already have. These are ways in which parents can influence their child but the main issue Richard Steven is talking about in the interview is Genetic engineering. I agree with him that for parents to make their "perfect" child (by deciding how intelligent they want them to be, how physically strong they want them to be etc) may make the child's relationship with their parents different in perhaps a good way or a bad way. I also agree that this would be extremely risky and that nature should be able to take its course. This issue won't important for years to come so I still have an open mind.

p.s. sorry if I avoided the discursive point :]

sonny said...

Richard steven did have a few good points about the children getting seperated at a young age causing problems in adulthood though when the child finds out about it, it could cause more problems with themselfs and even with their parents.

Yer Uncle said...

I Feel That Genetic Manipulation Is Wrong, If You Are Going To Have A Child You Should Love It The Way It Is Or Not Have It At All. Tryin To Make Your Child "Perfect" is wrong! And Anyhow They're Never Going To Be COmpletely Perfect. Thats Impossible. If Your Parents Were To Interfeer WIth Your Genes How Would You Feel? It Could Cause Problems WHen You Told Your Child What You Had DOne.

Also Richard Steven Is Saying That The Way A Child Is Brought Up, Bein "Rich" Or "Normal" WHich Has No Effect What So Ever On WHat You Are Going To Turn Out Like! Its Nothing To Do WIth That. Fair Doos, If You Go To A Better School You Are Possibly Going To Be Selected For That Job First Or Whatever. But "Normal" people Can DO Just As Good WIth Their Lifes =]

Don't Know If That Made Sense :)) ... Im Tryin Tho =]

Anonymous said...

Richard Steven is correct when he says children are being effected already without the help of genetic manipulation. Different backgrounds and the ways inwhich a child is brought up can effect them just as much as genetic enginering.

In my opinion its very strange that in the near future humans may well be depending on genetic enginering for the hope of a so called "perfect child".If the natural course of evoulotion has got this race this far why should we endeavour into the unknown?

I do though believe that if genetic enginering can be mastered to perfection it will get rid of many chromosome diseases such as down syndrome which cause a lot less of distress in the world today!Medically it is a great idea.

All parents im sure would love the feeling of being able to pick the characteristics of their cild and how intellegent its going to be.(which i understand)But when do parents selfish, understnadable, moral actions become a ethical problem.

An enginered child brought up in an average society and then being told by its parents that it had been genetically selected. How would that kid react and fell towards its parent. It probaly feel unwanted and unloved.Which would leave it psycologically damaged.For me at this moment in time with genetic enginering not being truly thought of I find it hard to differentiate between what good the child would obtain and what bad-with the tag of genetically manipulated hanging over it!

Further more i think genetic enginering in the medical area for outbreeding diseases etc is a great idea but there is still too many ethical decisions fogging my view to decide if it sould be used to creat special babies!

=) said...

I think that where Richard Stevens talks about how children being already split into common people and the people who are fortunate enough to be born into money and go to good schools is very true, so in a way selecting how and were your child is brought up will afftect how they are later on. To say you could decide will look like and how they will behave, is like saying no-one whos differetn or original should be accepted in society. It would be like painting a picture, you would decide where everything should go, what colours to use, what characteristics to include. I think it's completley wrong and everyone should stand out because they look different from everybody else and have their own unique personalities instead of being the creation of something your parents designed. I believe everyone has the right to be themselves as they were intended to be. The complications aswell would mean not alot of people would want to take the risk anyway and I hope this use of genes will never be widely used.

hay hay :p said...

I agree with richard steven. i think that the enviroment the child grows up in will influene them the rest of there life and how the become an adult but i dissagree with people selecting what they want in a child as it could risk there "bond" with the baby.
imagine if you mum said yeh a made you have brown hair or a made u to be less intelectual (if thats how u spell it lol) youd feel weird.

ahm probibly rabilin but hay lol

ashleigh =) xO said...

i don't agree with the idea of genetic minipulation i think that everyone is different and should remain different. It is also unfair and wrong that children's genetics are changed before being born just to suit their parents and the way they want them to look or how intelligent they want them to be. the idea of a "perfect child" is weird everyone should be different and it wouldn't be good for everyone in the world to be the same as one and other, also there could be complications with this this genetic manipulation.If people were born knowing their characteristics where changed to suit their parents they would feel different and maybe wouldn't have the same natural bond with their parents.