Have a look at this news item. It's all about gene mutations like those you have been looking at in the 'Genetics and Society' section of the Inheritance topic in the standard grade course....
Your class teacher may ask you to look at this and leave your comments.
Gene Therapy Breakthrough For Autism Condition
Campaigners are celebrating after a gene therapy breakthrough offered hope of treatment for a disabling autistic-type condition. The British study of laboratory mice suggests a gene treatment can reverse the symptoms of Rett Syndrome, regarded as the most physically disabling of the autistic diseases. The condition strikes mainly girls and leaves many in wheelchairs, suffering from tremors and breathing disorders. The study, reported on-line by Science Express today, suggests that the mutant gene, MECP2, can successfully be replaced. Healthy genes were administered to mice bred to be born with the Rett syndrome gene. Researcher Professor Adrian Bird, of Edinburgh University, Scotland, said: "Like many other people, we expected that giving MeCP2 to mice that were already sick would not work. "The idea that you could put back an essential component after the damage to the brain is done and recover an apparently normal mouse seemed farfetched, as nerve cells that developed in the absence of a key component were assumed to be irrevocably damaged. "The results are gratifyingly clear, though, and must give hope to those who are affected by this distressing disorder." The four week treatment eradicated tremors, restored breathing to normal and restored mobility and steady gait to the animals. Monica Coenraads, a founder of the Rett Syndrome Research Foundation, said: "Dr. Bird’s astonishing results usher in a new era for Rett Syndrome and other autism spectrum disorders. The reversal experiments provide justification for aggressive exploration of next steps on all fronts, from drug discovery to gene correction." And Professor Huda Zoghbi, who discovered the Rett syndrome gene, described the results as "extraordinary". Professor Zoghbi, of Baylor College of Medicine, Texas, USA, said: "They are of relevance not only to Rett Syndrome but to a much broader class of disorders, including autism and schizophrenia. "The successful restoration of normal function demonstrated in the mouse models suggests that if we can develop therapies to address the loss of MECP2 we may be able to reverse neurological damage in children and adults with Rett, autism and related neuropsychiatric disorders."
Date: February 9th 2007
Friday, 9 February 2007
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Rett's syndrome is caused by a mutation to gene MeCP2. It is an autistic - type condition and mainly affects girls. Scientists thought that replacing a gene that had been damaged would not help help with Rett's syndrome, but when they gave mice with the condition the unharmed gene they found that the symtoms of tremors, breathing difficulties and mobility problems disappared.
Treatments may now be developed to help people with Rett's. This research may also help people with other disorders related to mutated genes.
now I know how to do this !!
I am equally concerned and warmed by the new advancemenmts in Biotechnology. While it offers a better 'quality of life' to Retts sufferers, it does raise the question of how far we are prepared to manipulate our genes - literally our very foundations- and what the consequences are. Certainly, it can be put to good use, as we see from the article. However, thses new advancements could pose a problem. The worst-case scenario is a situation where weapons could be designed to CAUSE disablitating handicapped that had previously been amended. Indeed, what would a city full of e.g Retts suffers have on the world? Certianly, this is a worse-case event but 'Just because I'm Paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get me.' Gene therapy is a welcome addition to our ever increasing scientific knowledge, but one that could ultimatley end up a double-edged sword.
Rett's syndrome is quite common, and mainly affects girls. It is an autistic disease, which can leave many in wheelchairs, and suffering from breathing disorders and tremors.
It is caused by a mutation to gene MeCP2. However, scientists have discovered that the affected gene can now be successfully replaced.
If therapies are developed to deal with the loss of MeCP2, it could dramatically help people who suffer from Rett's, and other related diseases.
I think the idea of Genetic research to aid medical Knowlage is useful to a certain extent because there is a very thin line between using research for good and for bad for example imagine a terrorist Group got hold of this information and used it to develop Gentic weapons could you imagine a whole country off handicaped people or a weapon which makes people develop cancer. I think as long as scentists can keep information that is dangerous secret there will be a lot of success in the medical field
Rett syndrome is the clinical expression for the rett disorder, a complex, genetic, neurological condition which affects far more girls than boys and are usually wheelchair-bound, unable to speak and suffer from breathing difficulties. Scientists found switching on a particular gene appeared to result in a complete recovery and were able to reactivate a gene called MECP2.
Further research may also show that the results could apply to other autism spectrum disorders.
I think the Gene therapy breakthrough to help Retts Syndrome is good as it may help many sufferers mainly girls with this disease have a better quality of life. I think more research should be done though to ensure that it would be suitable for humans. Gene Therapy is an exciting development which will hopefully help other people with gene disorders in the future.
i belive that what Professor Adrian Bird is a medical breakthrought but i also belive that it will cause some devidions between peole with the mutation gene. but i also belive that the poeple with the mutation gene will be extremly happy that this breakthrough has happened
Rett's syndrome is caused by a mutation to the gene Mecp2. Scientists have found a therapy ,by replacing a gene that has been damaged the symptons caused by the disease will be cured. The symptoms caused are breathing disorders, tremors and mobility problems. Mostly girls have this disease.
This research has now resulted in treatments for people with rett's syndrome and may also help people with disorders/diseases due to or related to mutated genes.
i think the gene break through is good and useful to a certain extent as it will help people with Rett's syndrome live a more normal happy live. although most will have a happy live this break throught could help many people even just in the slighted ay would be benifisal and worth while. however there are also draw back to this break throught if you canny vhange genes some people may no use this for medical purposes they might use it to mess with characteristics like blue eye. then if u get to choice what colour a eye, hair no one would be indeviual anymore.
retts syndrome caused by a mutation to the gene MeCP2. i think the gene theropy breakthrough is a really good thing as it will help the suffers of this syndrome have a better life style especially girls. by replacing the gene that has been mutated the symtoms caused by the disease will be cured the symtoms of this is breathing problems, tremors and mobility problems. researchers also believe that it may also help people with other disorders which is also very good.
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