Thursday, 19 April 2007


Its that time of year again....EXAMS ! We all know the upper school are about to sit their Standard grades, Intermediates, and Highers. The third years also have an examination coming up after the the Spring holiday weekend in May. This is also a very important examination which gives us (and just as importantly, you) an indication of how you are doing in Biology so far. We will be looking at these results very closely !!!

Revision is very important for ALL the Cathkin Biologists at the moment. Remember, its not the quantity of revision that you do, but the QUALITY of the revision which really counts towards exam success. So don't leave it all to the last minute. Plan your revision carefully, using all the available resources.
You should all be able to access the school Biology resource bank from home using EASYLINK. If not, then see your teacher without delay. The Biology learning resource is packed full of revision materials...

- Summary notes for each topic.
- Powerpoint presentations for ALL standard grade topics.
- Podcasts for you to download.
- Fast links to useful websites.
- More useful advice on how to revise effectively.

...and don't forget, your teacher and classmates are a very valuable and effective revision resource so ask us, and try some collaborative revision with others. You maybe could use MSN to test each other at home, or post on this Blogsite.
You can e-mail us at with any questions and one of the Biology teachers will reply as soon as possible with help and suggestions.

Good luck with all your exams...

Mrs Sherry, Mr Jones, Ms Richards and Mr Wylie.

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