Check the new Bioblog site on 'Wordpress'...
We will be moving, however, we will maintain this blogger blog for a little while longer.
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
Tuesday, 5 February 2008
New Web link for genetics revision
Click on this link and follow the site all the way through. Its a great revision resource for this topic...
Thursday, 17 January 2008
S4 Biology - Genetics stuff
You are about to start work on the genetics topic. Have a look at the following web-link. Read the information, and leave your comments below.
Saturday, 10 November 2007
As the header above says, the S4 Biology prelims are fast approaching.....
Don't leave all your revision until the last minute, start putting in the effort now. you should all be trying to stick to a revision timetable and doing a little everyday. these prelims are important as we have to estimate your grades for the summer using the prelim papers you complete. Should we need to appeal your summer results ( in the case of illness, for example) the prelim result forms the basis of this appeal. So get it right first time.
The biology study night is on November 19th at the Burnside hotel. Last years students found this a great revision aid, particularly with problem-solving activities. We hope to see as many of you as possible there on the night.
The biology homework club runs on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at lunchtime. Ask your Biology teacher for details of times and rooms, or come along to the science base and ask. Check that you can dial in to the school system and access all the biology resources that are stored in the Biology folders. There are revision powerpoints and summary notes for each topic, as well as podcasts, all of which can be downloaded and used for revision. we also have a limited supply of MP3 players loaded with the podcasts which you can sign out.
Time is fleeting and the clock is running. Don't run out of time to ask for help. Thats what we're here for....
Don't leave all your revision until the last minute, start putting in the effort now. you should all be trying to stick to a revision timetable and doing a little everyday. these prelims are important as we have to estimate your grades for the summer using the prelim papers you complete. Should we need to appeal your summer results ( in the case of illness, for example) the prelim result forms the basis of this appeal. So get it right first time.
The biology study night is on November 19th at the Burnside hotel. Last years students found this a great revision aid, particularly with problem-solving activities. We hope to see as many of you as possible there on the night.
The biology homework club runs on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at lunchtime. Ask your Biology teacher for details of times and rooms, or come along to the science base and ask. Check that you can dial in to the school system and access all the biology resources that are stored in the Biology folders. There are revision powerpoints and summary notes for each topic, as well as podcasts, all of which can be downloaded and used for revision. we also have a limited supply of MP3 players loaded with the podcasts which you can sign out.
Time is fleeting and the clock is running. Don't run out of time to ask for help. Thats what we're here for....
Monday, 30 April 2007
Kiwi fruit DNA
Class 1a1 did an experiment last week as part of their reproduction topic. Their task was to extract some DNA from Kiwi fruits. Read all about their experiences and thoughts on this experiment by clicking here...
Thursday, 19 April 2007
Its that time of year again....EXAMS ! We all know the upper school are about to sit their Standard grades, Intermediates, and Highers. The third years also have an examination coming up after the the Spring holiday weekend in May. This is also a very important examination which gives us (and just as importantly, you) an indication of how you are doing in Biology so far. We will be looking at these results very closely !!!
Revision is very important for ALL the Cathkin Biologists at the moment. Remember, its not the quantity of revision that you do, but the QUALITY of the revision which really counts towards exam success. So don't leave it all to the last minute. Plan your revision carefully, using all the available resources.
You should all be able to access the school Biology resource bank from home using EASYLINK. If not, then see your teacher without delay. The Biology learning resource is packed full of revision materials...
- Summary notes for each topic.
- Powerpoint presentations for ALL standard grade topics.
- Podcasts for you to download.
- Fast links to useful websites.
- More useful advice on how to revise effectively.
...and don't forget, your teacher and classmates are a very valuable and effective revision resource so ask us, and try some collaborative revision with others. You maybe could use MSN to test each other at home, or post on this Blogsite.
You can e-mail us at with any questions and one of the Biology teachers will reply as soon as possible with help and suggestions.
Good luck with all your exams...
Mrs Sherry, Mr Jones, Ms Richards and Mr Wylie.
Revision is very important for ALL the Cathkin Biologists at the moment. Remember, its not the quantity of revision that you do, but the QUALITY of the revision which really counts towards exam success. So don't leave it all to the last minute. Plan your revision carefully, using all the available resources.
You should all be able to access the school Biology resource bank from home using EASYLINK. If not, then see your teacher without delay. The Biology learning resource is packed full of revision materials...
- Summary notes for each topic.
- Powerpoint presentations for ALL standard grade topics.
- Podcasts for you to download.
- Fast links to useful websites.
- More useful advice on how to revise effectively.
...and don't forget, your teacher and classmates are a very valuable and effective revision resource so ask us, and try some collaborative revision with others. You maybe could use MSN to test each other at home, or post on this Blogsite.
You can e-mail us at with any questions and one of the Biology teachers will reply as soon as possible with help and suggestions.
Good luck with all your exams...
Mrs Sherry, Mr Jones, Ms Richards and Mr Wylie.
Friday, 9 February 2007
Podcasting and revision...
Do you think that listening to podcasts could help your revision?
Have a read through this and tell us what you think. Do you have any ideas for Biology Podcasts?
"UWE students get podcasts on the brain
Issue date: 06/02/2007UWE students get podcasts on the brain.
Students studying Applied Biology and Psychology at the University of the West of England are reaping the benefits of their lecturer's innovative approach to teaching by downloading a series of lectures on the brain to their phones and iPods which they can then listen to whenever they choose.Dr Stephen Gomez, a lecturer in neurophysiology and neuroanatonomy has recorded many of his lectures and handouts onto a series of podcasts which students can download onto their phones, iPods, PDAs, laptops or computers. The podcasts, which are intended to reinforce rather than replace lectures, have won praise from students who appreciate the increased flexibility and new learning opportunities they offer. Many students say they listen to the podcasts at home, or when they are travelling to University on the bus.Podcasts are audio or video files which are published to the internet and allow users to subscribe to a feed and receive new files automatically. They are used by a wide cross section of people to share information, music and for example to download radio programmes.Dr Gomez explains, “Initially I produced audio files to accompany my printed handouts and students said they found these very useful. I have now developed video-podcasts which include diagrams and video clips so students can watch and listen to the material on their mobile phones. “The feedback so far has been excellent and students welcome the flexibility of being able to listen to the material when they choose. The audio format also helps people to reinforce and retain their learning - as well as being a very useful revision tool.” “Many universities are beginning to appreciate the value of podcasts in teaching and learning, though some people still see them as a gimmick. Some lecturers are simply recording their whole lectures as podcasts, but in my view this has limited value for students. “I believe I have found a way of making this new technology really benefit students.My podcasts are short (2-3 minutes) and can be strung together as a series to cover a whole subject area or rearranged for another context. I also discovered early on that by scripting my audio files before recording them this produces a better result for students. Students subscribe to my podcasts and whenever I produce a new one it becomes automatically available to the student. It goes without saying that students of the future will increasingly come to expect the flexibility which this technology offers.”Student Christopher Cross says, “I have found these podcasts very useful and a good learning tool. It was good to sit and listen to them while going through my notes from the lecture reinforcing my knowledge and adding things I missed.”Mikal Wade, a second year student, said, “I have been able to listen to some of the audio files and think they are amazing. It is such a brilliant idea and I hope that other lecturers follow your example at some point in the future.”Chloe Everall said “I just listened to the first 6 podcasts and I think they're really good. It's easier to remember stuff when its being read out and they work as quite a neat little summary, and its more entertaining than just reading so I'm more likely to go over the lecture material than I would have done with just a printed handout.”Dr Gomez says though he had technical help developing the project, there was very little cost involved and he used free software to produce the podcasts. He now wants to carry on with using the technology and will be talking to colleagues across the University to encourage other lecturers to follow his lead".
Have a read through this and tell us what you think. Do you have any ideas for Biology Podcasts?
"UWE students get podcasts on the brain
Issue date: 06/02/2007UWE students get podcasts on the brain.
Students studying Applied Biology and Psychology at the University of the West of England are reaping the benefits of their lecturer's innovative approach to teaching by downloading a series of lectures on the brain to their phones and iPods which they can then listen to whenever they choose.Dr Stephen Gomez, a lecturer in neurophysiology and neuroanatonomy has recorded many of his lectures and handouts onto a series of podcasts which students can download onto their phones, iPods, PDAs, laptops or computers. The podcasts, which are intended to reinforce rather than replace lectures, have won praise from students who appreciate the increased flexibility and new learning opportunities they offer. Many students say they listen to the podcasts at home, or when they are travelling to University on the bus.Podcasts are audio or video files which are published to the internet and allow users to subscribe to a feed and receive new files automatically. They are used by a wide cross section of people to share information, music and for example to download radio programmes.Dr Gomez explains, “Initially I produced audio files to accompany my printed handouts and students said they found these very useful. I have now developed video-podcasts which include diagrams and video clips so students can watch and listen to the material on their mobile phones. “The feedback so far has been excellent and students welcome the flexibility of being able to listen to the material when they choose. The audio format also helps people to reinforce and retain their learning - as well as being a very useful revision tool.” “Many universities are beginning to appreciate the value of podcasts in teaching and learning, though some people still see them as a gimmick. Some lecturers are simply recording their whole lectures as podcasts, but in my view this has limited value for students. “I believe I have found a way of making this new technology really benefit students.My podcasts are short (2-3 minutes) and can be strung together as a series to cover a whole subject area or rearranged for another context. I also discovered early on that by scripting my audio files before recording them this produces a better result for students. Students subscribe to my podcasts and whenever I produce a new one it becomes automatically available to the student. It goes without saying that students of the future will increasingly come to expect the flexibility which this technology offers.”Student Christopher Cross says, “I have found these podcasts very useful and a good learning tool. It was good to sit and listen to them while going through my notes from the lecture reinforcing my knowledge and adding things I missed.”Mikal Wade, a second year student, said, “I have been able to listen to some of the audio files and think they are amazing. It is such a brilliant idea and I hope that other lecturers follow your example at some point in the future.”Chloe Everall said “I just listened to the first 6 podcasts and I think they're really good. It's easier to remember stuff when its being read out and they work as quite a neat little summary, and its more entertaining than just reading so I'm more likely to go over the lecture material than I would have done with just a printed handout.”Dr Gomez says though he had technical help developing the project, there was very little cost involved and he used free software to produce the podcasts. He now wants to carry on with using the technology and will be talking to colleagues across the University to encourage other lecturers to follow his lead".
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